The AGNT project has no existence apart from volunteer experts. For more than forty years they have brought AGNT forward whether by leaps or increments.

We are always on the lookout for experts whose area of specialty is congruent with our needs. Our two basic areas of need are computer programming and Greek expertise. Occasionally we have need for someone who is simply a detail-oriented arranger of data.

All such volunteer work is without financial remuneration. But the testimony of nearly all our volunteers has been that working with the AGNT projects has been personally gratifying.

For some of our larger tasks we ask that a volunteer be prepared to contribute five hours weekly over the term of his availability. Other tasks may be shorter but more intense, perhaps best described as “work until finished.”

Feel free to contact us if you might have skills you think we need or know of someone that does.

Here we just want to list some of the volunteer experts who have made themselves available to the AGNT project since 1976. The longest association was for thirty-seven years, but we have also had good help from focused volunteers that has only lasted days, weeks or months.

Philip Clapp, David Clark, Howard Cleveland, Carl Conrad, Peter Davids, Hilary Evans, Dennis Felkner, Richard Friberg, Ray Gordon, Richard Gould, Harold Greenlee, Clarence Hale, Verlin Henshaw, Daniel Hoopert, Arthur Killian, Jim Lander, David Lewycky, Robert Merz, Neva Miller, Mark Nodine, Paul O’Rear, Philip Payne,  Edward Peters, Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen, Samuel Pflederer, Tony Pope, Robert Smith, Charles Stephenson, Mark Testardi, John Werner, Winifred Weter, Merlin Zook.


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